PSI - Issue 5

Jidong Kang et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 5 (2017) 1425–1432 Jidong Kang/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000 – 000



2. The size of the weld nugget controls and dominates the tensile shear strength and the fatigue life in RSWs. A larger nugget diameter in AA6022-T4 to IF steel RSWs resulted in superior lap-shear strength and fatigue life as compared to AA6022-T4 to AA6022-T4 ones. 3. In addition to weld nugget diameter, both the notch root opening, which was more favourable for the Al-steel weld, as well as local material properties may have affected static and dynamic performance. For the AA6022 T4 to IF steel RSWs, a crack path that included fine columnar grains alloyed with iron in the weld nugget retarded crack growth compared to a softer crack path in the HAZ of the AA6022-T4 to AA6022-T4 ones. This work was supported by the Canadian Federal Government Interdepartmental Program on Energy R&D (PERD) and General Motors Canada. The authors would acknowledge the assistance provided by Mr. Jie Liang at CanmetMATERIALS in fatigue testing and Ms. Renata Zevadil in helping perform the failure analysis and metallographic preparation. References [1] R. Qiu, C. Iwamoto, S. Satonaka, Interfacial microstructure and strength of steel/aluminum alloy joints welded by resistance spot welding with cover plate, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 209 (2009) 4186 – 4193. [2] W. Zhang, D. Sun, L. Han, Y. Li, Optimised design of electrode morphology for novel dissimilar resistance spot welding of aluminium alloy and galvanised high strength steel, Mater. Des. 85 (2015) 461 – 470. [3] S. Chantasri, P. Poonnayom, J. Kaewwichit, W. Roybang, Effect of Resistance Spot Welding Parameters on AA1100 Aluminum Alloy and SGACD Zinc coated Lap Joint Properties, Int. J. Adv. Cult. Technol. 3 (2015) 153 – 160. [4] M.R. Arghavani, M. Movahedi, A.H. Kokabi, Role of zinc layer in resistance spot welding of aluminium to steel, Mater. Des. 102 (2016) 106 – 114. [5] M. Kang, C. Kim, Joining Al 5052 alloy to aluminized steel sheet using cold metal transfer process, Mater. Des. 81 (2015) 95 – 103. [6] S.N. Mortazavi, P. Marashi, M. Pouranvari, M. Masoumi, Investigation on Joint Strength of Dissimilar Resistance Spot Welds of Aluminum Alloy and Low Carbon Steel, Adv. Mater. Res. 264-265 (2011) 384 – 389. . [7] I. Ibrahim, R. Ito, T. Kakiuchi, Y. Uematsu, K. Yun, C. Matsuda, Fatigue behaviour of Al/steel dissimilar resistance spot welds fabricated using Al – Mg interlayer, Sci. Technol. Weld. Join. 21 (2016) 223 – 233. [8] N. Chen, H. Wang, B.E. Carlson, D.R. Sigler, M. Wang, Fracture mechanisms of Al / steel resistance spot welds in lap shear test, J. Mater. Process. Tech. 243 (2017) 347 – 354. [9] D.R. Sigler, B. Carlson, P. Janiak, Improving Aluminum Resistance Spot Welding in Automotive Structures, Weld. J. (2013) 65 – 72. [10] J. Kang, Y. Chen, D. Sigler, B. Carlson, D.S. Wilkinson, Fatigue Behavior of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloy Spot Welds, Procedia Eng. 114 (2015) 149 – 156. [11] J. Kang, Y. Chen, D. Sigler, B. Carlson, D.S. Wilkinson, Effect of adhesive on fatigue property of Aural2 to AA5754 dissimilar aluminum alloy resistance spot welds, Eng. Fail. Anal. 69 (2016) 57 – 65. [12] D.R. Sigler, M.J. Karagoulis, Weld Schedule for Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminum Alloy Workpieces, US Patent Application# 20130048613, 2013. [13] A. Gean, S.A. Westgate, J.C. Kucza, J.C. Ehrstrom, Static and Fatigue Behavior of Spot-Welded 51 82-0 Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Weld. J. 78 (1999) 80s – 86s. [14] M. Vural, A. Akkus, On the resistance spot weldability of galvanized interstitial free steel sheets with austenitic stainless steel sheets, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 153-154 (2004) 1 – 6. [15] P.H. Thornton, A.R. Krause, R.G. Davies, The Aluminum Spot Weld, Weld. J. 75 (1996) 101s – 108s. [16] J. Bonnen, H. Agrawal, M. Amaya, Fatigue of advanced high strength steel spot-welds, SAE Tech Pap. 2006-01-0978 (2006). [17] A. Rupp, K. Storzel, V. Grubisic, Computer Aided Dimensioning of Spot-Welded Automotive Structures, SAE Tech. Pap. 950711 (1995). 5) Acknowledgement

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