PSI - Issue 36
Mykhailo Hud et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 36 (2022) 87–91 Mykhailo Hud, Natalia Chornomaz, Roman Grytseliak et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2021) 000 – 000
Fig. 3 Oscillations of the grain leg tower in the first mode in the second method of calculation a) general nature of deformations; b) movement on the axis ОХ ; c) movement on the axis ОУ ; d) movement on the axis OZ .
It is obvious that with the second method of calculation the frequencies of natural oscillations are smaller, and the periods of oscillations are larger relative to the first method of calculation. This feature is determined by taking into account the joint work of the foundation slab and the soil, namely, taking into account the damping properties of the soil layer, in contrast to the first method, in which, the foundation is modeled by rigid fixing of the support nodes of the struts of the grain leg tower. 3. Conclusions The joint work of the foundation slab and the grain leg tower, taking into account the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site, influences the frequencies and forms of the natural linear oscillations of the grain leg tower.
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