PSI - Issue 33

Aprianur Fajri et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 33 (2021) 11–18 Fajri et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

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The maximum fatigue life based on the design life of 10 6 cycles is indicated by the contours of the blue color as shown in Fig. 7. That is, with the loading scenario as in the benchmark above, this section has infinite life. The contour of the red color indicates a minimum fatigue life of 91,794 cycles. As predicted in the beginning, the part that experiences Stress concentration due to the influence of narrowing the cross-sectional area will have a smaller fatigue life.

Fig. 7. Result of analysis: fatigue life.

The value of safety factor 1 means that the structure is in infinite life, so the maximum value of safety Factor 15 in Fig. 8 means that the structure is very safe. Minimum safety factor 0.60686 indicates that the structure will fail in certain cycles based on design life.

Fig. 8. Contours on the analyzed model: safety factor.

Biaxiality indication in Fig. 9 shows the stress condition that occurs in the structure. The value 1 indicates pure biaxial stress, meaning that the element experiences two-way tensile stress, namely towards the x-axis ( S x ) and the y-axis ( S y ). The biaxiality indication value of 0 indicates pure uniaxial stress, meaning that stress occurs only one way ( S x ). The value of biaxiality indication minus 1 then experiences pure shear stress ( S xy ) only. The biaxiality indication value approaching 0 will be more valid because the S-N Curve that is used as a comparison is taken with the uniaxial loading scheme in the laboratory.

Fig. 9. Contours of the biaxiality indication.

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