PSI - Issue 14

Vikas Verma et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 14 (2019) 68–77 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000



Fig.7. SEM images of (a) pure Al alloy (b) Al Alloy+5%Fly ash+12%Al 2 O 3 worn at 900rpm.

Fig.8. SEM images of (a) pure Al alloy wear at 5min (b) Al Alloy+5%Fly ash+12%Al 2 O 3 wear at 5min.

4 Conclusions Present work involves processing of Al MMC reinforced with flyash and Al 2 O 3 particulates in different proportions via stir casting route. Further their wear behavior were studied at varying load (15 – 25 N), time (3 – 5 minute) and speed (700 – 900 rpm). Following are the major findings: 1. SEM image of pure Al alloy showed dispersed, broken oxide layer in Al matrix and SEM image of Al +5%Fly ash+12%Al 2 O 3 revealed homogeneous grains and fine grain boundaries. Appropriate proportion of flyash increased wettability during process resulting in effective casting. 2. Increase of 48% in hardness, 63% in strength and 58% in bending strength and considerable reduction in weight loss measured after wear of processed Al composite with 5%flyash and 12% Al 2 O 3 . 3. SEM micrograph of pure Al alloy worn surface revealed presence of crack and fracture at high load, longer time and at high speed. Presence of adhered oxide layer is observed in composite with 5%flyash and 12% Al 2 O 3 which restricted further wear of the composite. References Abdulhaqq, A.H., Ghosh, P.K., Jain, S.C., Ray, S., 2005. Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of cast in-situ Al (Mg, Mn)- Al 2 O 3 (MnO 2 ) composite. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 36A, 2211 – 2223. Basavarajappa, S., Chandramohan, G., 2005. Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites. Materials Science. 11, 253- 257. Kumar, B., Menghani, J.V., 2016. Aluminium-based metal matrix composites by stir casting: a literature review. International Journal of

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