PSI - Issue 12
D. Perfetto et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 12 (2018) 380–391 Perfetto D./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2018) 000 – 000
5. Conclusions
The article reports the numerical results of a drop test of a full-scale fuselage section of a regional aircraft made entirely in composite material. The aim of this work is the development of a finite element model and its validation by comparing the results with those of the experimental test. In detail, only four accelerometers have been numerically reproduced and the results can be considered in good agreement with the experimental ones, according to the simulation complexity. In addition, in order to save computational costs, several simplifications have been made, such as the bolted and glued connections, which have not been modeled in detail. This, together with the materials failure criteria modelling, explains the slight disagreement among the compared experimental-numerical results. As a consequence, this model must be considered as a preliminary stage for a more detailed one. 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