Issue 65
A. Namdar et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 65 (2023) 112-134; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.65.09
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E Modulus elasticity E u Undrained modulus elasticity ϕ Friction angle ϕ u Undrained friction angle ψ Dilatancy angle C Cohesion C U Undrained shear strength γ Unit weight γ c Undrained unit weight ν Poisson’s ratio ν c Undrained poisson’s ratio G Shear modulus Z 0 Cracked zone S z Solid zone Kp
Passive earth pressure coefficients Active earth pressure coefficients Rankine active state of slip planes Rankine passive state of slip planes Lateral earth force in passive state Lateral earth force in active state
θ a θ p p P
a P
' x a Lateral earth pressure in passive state ' x p Lateral earth pressure in active state ' z Effective stresses Effective density sat Saturated density w Water density i N x Standard finite element shape functions i u Standard finite element unknowns * i N x Partition of unity
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