Issue 62

S.Bouhiyadi et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 62 (2022) 634-659; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.62.44

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Figure 16: The intermediate relation between the vertical and horizontal stresses of N 1: Central node at the core of the compressed earth block located at depth Y=H/2.

Figure 17: the distribution of S 11 , S 22 , S 33 , S 12 , S 13 , and S 23 as a function of time.

We notice that there is a difference between the experimental and simulation values of the lateral pressure coefficient and the friction angle; for the experiment, the distribution of the layers of the soil in the block is less homogeneous compared to the simulation which presents the layers of soil as ideally homogeneous isotropic. Biaxial tests, applying force in the planar directions, allow researchers to find the appropriate material at the correct quantity without loss of quality in their products [24]. In reality, composite materials are often submitted to complex loads in which one or two three-dimensional stress states exist. For effective composite design, tests must represent these real loading conditions. When a block is tested biaxially, four perpendicular forces are applied to the specimen.


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