Issue 62
P. Ghannadi et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 62 (2022) 460-489; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.62.32
Figure 2: (a) Swarm behavior of birds in nature, (b) Updating the position and velocity of birds in PSO.
The population of N candidate solutions organizes the swarm: 1 2 , , ..., N X x x x
To find the optimal solution to the problem, the particles define trajectories in the parameter space based on the following equation of motion: 1 1 i i i x t x t v t (3) In Eqn. (3), t and t + 1 represent two sequential iterations of the algorithm, and v i is the vector collecting the velocity components of the i th particle along the D dimensions. The velocity of the i th particle is calculated as follows: 1 1 2 2 1 i i i i i v t v t c p x t R c g x t R (4) In Eqn. (4), p i is the "personal best" of the particle, g is the "global best", and c 1 and c 2 are acceleration constants usually in 1 2 0 , 4 c c range, which are called "cognitive coefficient" and "social coefficient", respectively. R 1 and R 2 are two diagonal matrices of random numbers generated through a uniform distribution in [0,1]. The flow chart of PSO is illustrated in Fig. 3. Standard PSO has been successfully applied to different optimization problems. However, there are still some drawbacks. To address the different demands, the original PSO has experienced a wide variety of improvements from 1995 to date, and researchers constantly attempt to develop new variants [76]. The various variants of PSO can be summarized as follows: I) Combination of PSO with different optimization algorithms such as GA, colonial competitive algorithm (CCA), elitist artificial bee colony, sine-cosine algorithm (SCA), cuckoo search (CS). II) Developing modified versions based on Nelder– Mead algorithm III) Introducing unified versions IV) Improving PSO by implementing immunity strategies Tab. 2 presents comprehensive information on different varients of PSO and their applications in structural damage identification problems. Each modified version can be addressed single or multiple challenges such as premature convergence, poor accuracy, slow convergence, or high computational complexity.
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