Issue 62

G. Veeresha et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 62 (2022) 385-407; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.62.27

Tensile properties Figs. 11 and 12 show the results of tensile testing at room temperature with varying weight % of 63 micron sized B 4 C particles. The UTS and YS increase as the percent weight fraction of reinforcing particles increases, as shown in Figs. 11 and 12. The UTS and YS are amplified with increasing B 4 C content. The B 4 C particles in the alloy afford protection to the softer matrix. The UTS and YS of as cast Al2618 alloy is 185.1 MPa and 147.2 MPa respectively. Further, as weight percentage of 63 micron size B 4 C particulates increased from the 2 to 8 wt. % insteps of 2 wt. %, there is increase in the UTS and YS values. It is observed that in Al2618 alloy-2 wt. % B 4 C composites UTS and YS are 196.1 MPa and 158.4 MPa respectively. In the case of 8 wt. % of 63 micron size B 4 C reinforced composites it is 270.8 MPa and 217.8 MPa respectively in UTS and yield strength.

Compositions of composite samples

UTS (MPa) 185.13 + 4.33 196.10 + 4.06 223.37 + 3.26 243.30 + 2.67 270.80 + 4.43


Al2618-2 weight percentage of B 4 C Al2618-4 weight percentage of B 4 C Al2618-6 weight percentage of B 4 C

Al2618-8 weight percentage of B 4 C

+ - SD (Standard Deviation)

Table 4: UTS averaged values of Al2618 and Al2618 reinforced with B4C at different compositions (2, 4, 6 and 8 weight percentages).

Figure 11: UTS of Al2618 alloy with B 4 C composites.


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