PSI - Issue 59

Victor Aulin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 428–435



Victor Aulin et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

%. When using a digital frequency meter as a recording device, with the input turned off, it is necessary to achieve readings of 1 MHz with the tuning resistor R9, which corresponds to 100   %, and when closing the input of the device to ground, the readings of the recording devices should be equal to zero. When running in samples of tribo coupling parts, it is necessary to strive to obtain the value ξ within 75...8 0%, which indicates a dynamic balance of the processes of formation and destruction of stable dissipative secondary structures in the zone of frictional contact. The obtained data (Figure 8) show that the wear of the friction surface of the tribo-coupling ensures the minimum intensity of wear and will exclude the possibility of seizing (volumetric destruction) in the event of force overloads, insufficient oil during their operation. Values ξ, below the specified limit indicate the instability of processes i n the friction zone, which are accompanied by intensive wear. It becomes possible to actively control the working-in mode of tribo-coupling parts, which significantly increases the durability of machines and mechanisms by ensuring the high quality of working friction surfaces with the formation of stable dissipative secondary structures on them (Gupka A., et. al 2019). 4. Conclusions Tribodiagnostics of the surface damage of tribobonding materials of samples and parts and the structural energy approach open up prospects for the maximum use of strength reserves of existing materials and working environments by obtaining dissipative secondary structures with specified characteristics, allows expanding and unifying the bank of tribotechnical data, developing control schemes for friction and wear processes. On the basis of the revealed regularities, an express method of tribodiagnostics is proposed for determining the range of the minimum and stable value of the intensity of wear according to the kinetics of change and stabilization of the contact electrical resistance of the tribo-coupling of samples and parts, methods of determining the critical load parameters when the tribo-coupling of samples and parts enters the damage mode (bulk destruction), identifying the nature of the relationship between the processes of "oxidation - metal plating", fixing the time cycles of the formation, transformation and destruction of dissipative secondary structures. References Aulin V. 2014. Physical basis of processes and states of self-organization in tribotechnical systems: Monograph / Kirovograd: V.F. Lysenko Publisher, 370 Aulin, V., Lysenko, S., Hrynkiv, A., Liashuk, O., Hupka, A., & Livitskyi, O. 2022. Parameters of the lubrication process during operational wear of the crankshaft bearings of automobile engines. Problems of Tribology 27(4/106), 69 – 81. Dykha, A.,Padgurskas, J., Babak, O., 2021. Prediction of the life time of cylindrical tribosystems of a vehicle. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1021(1), 012036 Haiday, O.O, P yliavsky, V.S., Polunkin, Y.V., Bereznytsky, Y.O., Yanchenko, O.B., Smolarz, A., Droździel, P., Amirgaliyeva, S., Rakhmetullina, S., 2021. Increasing surface wear resistance of engines by nanosized carbohydrate clusters when using ethanol motor fuels. Mechatronic Systems 1: Applications in Transport, Logistics, Diagnostics, and Control, 89-99. Kostetskyi B. 1976. Surface strength of materials under friction. Kyiv, "Technology", 1976. - 296 p. Lyashuk, O., Pyndus Y., Gupka A., Gupka V., Sipravska M., Stashkiv M., 2019. The tribology of the car: Research methodology and evaluation criteria. ICCPT 2019: Current Problems of Transport: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference, 231-237. Maruschak, P., Panin, S. , Zakiev, I., Poltaranin, M., Sotnikov, A., 2016. Scale levels of damage to the raceway of a spherical roller bearing. Engineering Failure Analysis 59, 69-78. Pashechko, M.I., Dziedzic, K., Mendyk, E., Jozwik, J., 2018. Chemical and Phase Composition of the Friction Surfaces Fe – Mn – C – B – Si – Ni – Cr Hardfacing Coatings. Journal of Tribology 140(21), 021302.

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