PSI - Issue 59

Alfiy Alfatarizqi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 420 – 427 A. Alfatarizqi et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000 – 000



Table 2. Geometry of external pressure. Reference Model

Geometry R [mm]

t [mm]

L [mm]

E [MPa] 176052 176052 176052


38 38 38

0.945 0.951

130 130 130 120 145 170 270

(Zhang et al., 2021)

0.95 0.69 0.71 0.72 0.86

C1-A C2-A C3-A C5-A

23.665 23.695 23.685 23.765

69700 69700 69700 69900

(Muttaqie et al., 2020)

4. Combine Loading Combined loading analysis, addressing both axial force and external pressure, is crucial for understanding pressure cylinder responses. Calculating stress, deformation, and potential plastic deformation in the cylinder's walls aids in designing and evaluating pressure cylinders, ensuring they withstand internal pressure and axial loads without failure. Engineers employ this analysis to choose suitable materials, determine necessary wall thickness, and optimize design shape, ensuring structural integrity under various operational conditions (Wang et al., 2021). As presented in Table 3, this paper, combine loading will be used to test two different models to determine the influence of stiffeners' strength on a shell. In this experiment, boundary conditions used for testing are as follows: The experiment employs a loading method in which axial compression is applied first, followed by the application of external pressure.

Table 3. Geometry of combined loading Model Geometry (Wang et al., 2021) R [mm]

E [MPa] [MPa] ℎ 76169 339.6 7 45 10

T [mm]

L [mm]

1 2

500 500

2 2

500 500






5. Benchmark Studies 5.1. Single loading (Axial Force) The results of tests and comparisons between experiments and numerical simulations are presented in Table 4 and in Figure 2, the effects resulting from axial testing on the cylinder are depicted.

Table 4. Test results for axial force. Model (Ifayefunmi, 2016)

Experiment [kN]

Numeric [Abaqus] [kN]

Formula [kN]







CY1_t0,5 CY1_t1,0

30.13 84.67 85.33

31.79 82.30 86.85 86.85

31.79 82.30 86.85

1.06 0.97 1.02 0.41 0.99 0.89 0.27 0.30


CY1_t2,0 CY1_t2,0

210.32 208.56

206.73 207.28





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