PSI - Issue 59

Alfiy Alfatarizqi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 420 – 427 A. Alfatarizqi et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000 – 000



the main focus of the research was to perform bending tests on short, lightweight steel cylindrical shells experiencing axial compression. The material used in this experiment was lightweight steel (Ifayefunmi, 2016).

Table 1. Geometry of axial force. Model



D [mm]

t [mm]

L [mm]

E [MPa] 193700 214000 214000 241400

(Ifayefunmi, 2016)

CY1_t0,5 CY1_t1,0 CY1_t1,10 CY1_t2,0

102.02 101.54 102.07 101.73

0.50 1.02 1.08 2.02

113.06 112.40 112.04 112.30

0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35

203.10 256.20 256.20 322.10

Table 1 explains the test parameters geometric data of the cylindrical shell from Ifayefunmi (2016), which will be subjected to numerical testing and benchmarked using Abaqus FE. Before the testing was conducted, the cylinder was covered with top and bottom plates to create the desired boundary conditions. For a better comparison, various variations of cylinder diameter, thickness, and length were used. 3.2. External pressure External pressure on a cylindrical structure is the force or pressure applied from the outside surface, often from sources like hydrostatic pressure or atmospheric pressure. This external pressure can influence the deformation, strength, and overall behavior of the structure. A study by Zhang et al. (2021), focused on the effects of external pressure on single layer (SL) and double layer (DL) cylinders, using lightweight steel as the experimental material. Equations (2) to (5) described several formulas commonly utilized to evaluate the ultimate strength of cylindrical shells: − – ℎ = 0.92 ( t ) 1.5 (2) − = 2.6 (2t ) 2.5 2 L −0.45 ( 2 t ) 0.5 (3) − = 0.926 √γ ( R ) 5 2 ( L ) (4) − =2.95 ( 2 t ) 2.5 ( 2 L ) betu (5) The provided data on Table 2 presents the geometry information of single-layer cylinders shell from Zhang in 2021 (SL 1 – SL 3) and Muttaqie in 2020 (C1-A – C3-A and C5-A) journal, which will be subjected to numerical testing and benchmarked using Abaqus FE. The common boundary conditions used, known as three-point constraint, are applied to prevent rigid body displacement in each cylinder. Such boundary conditions are used to evaluate the buckling behavior of cylinders (Muttaqie et al., 2020).

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