PSI - Issue 59
Mykhailo Hud et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 697–701 Mykhailo Hud et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000 – 000
Fig. 5. Deformations of the stiffening diaphragm in the X-axis with a) standard reinforcement cage and b) cage with diagonal reinforcement bars.
4. Conclusion Studying the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete stiffening diaphragms in the presence of transverse reinforcement has provided valuable information for improving the structural performance of these components, which is important for the stability of the building. The application of modern computational techniques has allowed a comprehensive study of the correlation between the transverse reinforcement and the lateral load capacity of the diaphragms, and thus a more thorough understanding of their mechanical behavior. As a result of finite element modelling, it was established: - the diagonal reinforcement method allows reducing the diameter of the reinforcement but does not reduce the reinforcement area of the reinforced concrete element; - due to installing additional diagonal bars, the diaphragm's resistance to shear loads increases and deformation reduces. This makes the use of metal reinforcement more efficient, resulting in increased strength characteristics of the stiff diaphragms. References Breña, S ., Bramblett, R.M., Wood, S.L. Kreger, M., 2003. Increasing flexural capacity of reinforced concrete beams using carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites. ACI Structural Journal. 100. 36-46. Dzyuba, V., Shevchenko, A., 2021. Bearing Capacity of Built-Up Structures of Multi-storey Buildings, Taking into Account Ultimate Concrete Strains and Shear Braces. 10.1007/978-3-030-69421-0_17. Kononchuк, O. , Iasnii, V., Lutsyk, N., 2022. Prediction of reinforced concrete structures behavior using finite element method, Procedia Structural Integrity 36, 177-18. Selivanov, M.F., Chornoivan, Y.O., Kononchuk, O.P., 2019. Determination of crack opening displacement and critical load parameter within a cohesive zone model. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 31, 569 – 586.
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