PSI - Issue 59
Mykhailo Hud et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 697–701 Mykhailo Hud et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000 – 000
Fig 3. Reinforcing cage with diagonal arrangement of rods
3. Result and discussion As a result of finite-element modelling, a graphical representation of the deformation of a stiffening diaphragm with two types of reinforcing cages was obtained. The deformations along the Z (Figure 4) and X axes (Figure 5) are calculated. a b
Fig. 4. Deformations of a stiffening diaphragm in the Z-axis with a) classical reinforcement cage and b) cage with diagonal reinforcement bars.
The behaviour and distribution of deformations in relation to the Z-axis have similar properties when both types of reinforcement cages are used in the stiffening diaphragm. However, when using a frame with diagonal reinforcing bars, smaller deformation values are observed. The maximum displacements are 1.64 mm for the standard reinforcement cage and 1.06 mm for the diagonal reinforcement cage. A similar pattern of deformations is observed in relation to the X-axis. Thus, when using a frame with diagonal reinforcing bars, smaller deformation values are observed. When using a standard reinforcing cage, the maximum displacements are 4.39 mm, while with a diagonal reinforcing cage, they are 3.51 mm.
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