Issue 54
Fracture and Structural Integrity, 54 (2020); ISSN 1971-9883
Z. Xiong, Y. Liu, B. Liu, L Jiang Tension Strength Prediction of Transverse Branch Plate-to-Rectangular Joint with Concrete Filling …………………………………………………………………………… 136-152 I. Chekalil, A. Miloudi , M.P. Planche, A. Ghazi Prediction of mechanical behavior of friction stir welded joints of AA3003 aluminum alloy …… 153-168 P. Jinlong, L. Guanhua, C. Jingming Numerical analysis of circular and square concrete filled aluminum tubes under axial compression 169-181 P. Livieri, F. Segala A closed form for the Stress Intensity Factor of a small embedded square-like flaw…………… 182-191 V. Shlyannikov, A. Tumanov, R. Khamidullin Strain-gradient effect on the crack tip dislocations density ………………………………… 192-201 M. Belaïd, M. Malika, S. Mokadem, S. Boualem Probabilistic elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analysis of propagation of cracks in pipes under internal pressure ………………………………………………………………....… 202-210 M.A. Warda, H.S. Khalil, Seleem S. E. Ahmad, I.M. Mahdi Optimum sustainable mix proportions of high strength concrete by using Taguchi method …... 211-225 A. Moslemi Petrudi, K. Vahedi, M. Rahmani, M. Moslemi Petrudi Numerical and analytical simulation of ballistic projectile penetration due to high velocity impact on ceramic target …………………………………………………………………... 226-248 B Bartolucci, A. De Rosa, C. Bertolin, F. Berto, F. Penta, A.M. Siani Mechanical properties of the most common European woods: a literature review …………… 249-274 T. Nehari, K. Bahram, D. Nehari, D. Marni Sandid Numerical analysis of the influence of maximum residual thermal stresses on the intensity factor between the matrix and particle interfaces in metal matrix composite ………………………. 275-281 F. Benaoum, F. Khelil, A. Benhamena Numerical analysis of reinforced concrete beams pre-cracked reinforced by composite materials …. 282-296
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