Issue 54
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 54 (2020); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
Table of Contents
T. I. J. Brito, D. M. Santos, F. A. S. Santos, R. N. da Cunha, D. L. N. F. Amorim On the lumped damage modelling of reinforced concrete beams and arches ………………….... 1-20 A. Boulebd, F. Noureddine, B. Mohcene, H. A. Mesbah Modeling of CFRP strengthened RC beams using the SNSM technique, proposed as an alternative to NSM and EBR techniques ……………………………………………... 21-35 A. Kumar K, M. Reddy D A Novel Method to Estimate the Damage Severity Using Spatial Wavelets and Local Regularity Algorithm ……………………………………………………………… 36-55 E. M. Strungar, D. S. Lobanov Mathematical data processing according to digital image correlation method for polymer composites 56-65 F. S. Brandão, L. F. F. Miguel Vibration control in buildings under seismic excitation using optimized tuned mass dampers ….. 66-87 R. B. P. Nonato Bi-level Hybrid Uncertainty Quantification in Fatigue Analysis: S-N Curve Approach ……... 88-103 O. Shallan, H. M. Maaly, M. M. Elgiar, A. A. El-Sisi Effect of stiffener characteristics on the seismic behavior and fracture tendency of steel shear walls 104-115 J. Akbari, A. Abed Experimental evaluation of effects of steel and glass fibers on engineering properties of concrete … 116-127 I. El-Sagheer, M. Taimour, M. Mobtasem, Amr A. Abd-Elhady, H. El-Din M. Sallam Finite Element analysis of the behavior of bonded composite patches repair in aircraft structures 128-135
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