PSI - Issue 53
J.M. Parente et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 53 (2024) 221–226 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
uniform plastic deformation. This work plan was later extended to another publication by Kolken et al. (2022), where the authors studied the mechanisms related to the initiation and propagation of cracks underlying the final failure. Internal void spaces or from locations susceptible to mode-I cracking were identified as the origin of the cracks. Furthermore, the differences observed between the different designs were not significant and are only visible when looking at the location of the fatigue damage. Despite the significant crack growth, many specimens maintained their structural integrity and showed no signs of rapid strain accumulation. Therefore, the design and processing parameters must be optimized to limit the number of weak points and, consequently, improve the fatigue performance of auxetic materials (Kolken et al. (2022)). 4. Conclusions The main goal of this work was to is to provide an overview of the works available in the literature concerning fatigue behaviour in auxetic materials. It was possible to conclude that auxetic structures can provide an improvement of fatigue behaviour when compared to a non-auxetic structure. It was also possible to conclude that the Poisson ratio is influential in the fatigue life of an auxetic material. However, there is still a need to study the fatigue behaviour in auxetic structures with other types of cell geometries, since all the articles used mostly the re-entrant geometry. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that works available on the literature are not enough to establish a full knowledge on the fatigue behaviour of auxetic metamaterials, so this subject should be the focus of more studies. Acknowledgements J.M. Parente thanks FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, for the grant UI/BD/151477/2021. 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