PSI - Issue 50

M.M. Kopyrin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 137–146 M. M. Kopyrin et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



On the surface of the adhesive failure of rubber/fiber, the spectra corresponding to fibrous tissues are observed. Thus, peaks at 905 cm -1 and 690 cm -1 corresponding to [SiO 4 ] 4 – vibrations were recorded on the surface of the SKD V BF material, referring to Lee et al. (2015) (Fig. 8 a ). The presence of these peaks (905 cm -1 and 690 cm -1 ) was also recorded on the destruction surface of the SKD-V GF (Fig. 8 b ), in addition, absorption bands were found in the region of 2500-1500 cm -1 , which characterize the stretching vibrations C=C, and a peak at 1400 cm -1 corresponding to calcium carbonate, which correlates with the work of the authors Legodi M. A. et al. (2001). The IR spectrum of SKD-V CF (Fig. 8 c ) also exhibits peaks in the region of 2500 – 1500 cm -1 , which are characteristic of C=C stretching vibrations. Figure 9 shows a thermogram of an elastomeric matrix based on SKD-V rubber.

Fig. 9. DSC thermogram of SKD-V rubber

The DSC thermogram shows that the transition of the elastomer from the elastic state to the glassy state begins at a temperature of - 79.4°C and ends at - 84.7° C. As established by Zolotarev et al. (2020) and Dias et al. (2019), elastomers based on butadiene rubbers characterized by a low glass transition temperature due to the high mobility of rubber molecules and are used in the production of frost-resistant elastomers. Fig.10 shows the thermomechanical analysis (TMA) curves for an elastomeric matrix and elastomers reinforced with basalt, glass, and carbon fibers.



Fig. 10. TMA plots of original rubber and fiber-reinforced composite elastomers

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