PSI - Issue 50

M.M. Kopyrin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 137–146 M. M. Kopyrin et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Figure 7 shows the adhesion diagram of composite elastomers, with the addition of a layer of reinforcing fabric.

Fig. 7. Adhesion of elastomers based on elastomer SKD-V, SKD-V BF, SKD-V GF, SKD-V CF

It can be seen from the diagram that the reinforcing layers do not form a strong adhesive bond with the elastomeric matrix due to the chemical inertness of the fibers. Stratification occurs along the interaction boundary. The decrease in indicators in comparison with the original rubber fluctuates by 8-12 times. Fig. 8 shows the IR spectra of elastomers based on SKD-V rubber with reinforcing layers of BF (Fig. 7 a ), GF (Fig. 7 b ), and CF (Fig. 7 c ). The places of adhesive destruction of the material, the original rubber SKD-V (black line) and reinforced fabrics (green line) were investigated.

Fig. 8. IR-spectra of elastomers based on SKD-V rubber: a) SKD-V BF; b) SKD-V GF; c) SKD-V CF

Analysis of the IR spectra as a whole showed that no new peaks (formations) are observed in elastomeric materials reinforced with a reinforcing fabric, and the absorption bands characteristic of the original SKD-V rubber and reinforcing fabrics are retained, which confirm the obtained low adhesion values. On the IR spectrum of the original rubber in the regions of 3000-2800 cm -1 and 1400-1300 cm -1 there are hydrocarbon bands associated with the characteristic frequencies of C-H (methyl and methylene groups). The intensity of the band depends on the number of methyl and methylene groups in the hydrocarbon macromolecule, shown in the work of Segneanu et al. (2012). In the range of absorption bands 2500-1500 cm -1 , there are stretching vibrations of multiple C=C bonds. The frequency vibrations in the region of 960 and 665 cm -1 refer to the bending vibrations of the cis- and trans-configurations of the C=C bonds of the butadiene rubber macromolecule. Thus, in all spectra of the reinforced samples (blue line), absorption bands of the original butadiene rubber are observed.

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