PSI - Issue 48

Samira Belhour et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 48 (2023) 288–295 Belhour et al/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



are necessary to ensure the safety and security of the trains as well as the good service image of the trams, which are the objectives of our work.

Figure 3.CITAL maintenance workshop [Source CITAL documentation]

3.2. Objective of the case study: Constantine tramway In this work, we are interested in the maintenance work of the Constantine tramway trains. The type of vehicle proposed for the Constantine tram is the CITADIS 402 with an integral low floor. These vehicles are bi-directional with large windows, air-conditioned in the driver's cabins and ventilated and heated in the passenger rooms. The trains are composed of 7 articulated modules resting on 4 bogies, 3 of which are motor bogies: the motor bogies are located under the end bodies, known as M1 and M2, and an intermediate body called nacelle motor (NM). The carrying bogie is located under one of the central bodies, known as the carrying nacelle (NP). Finally, between each engine and nacelles (motor and carrier) there are suspended bodies: C1 on the M1 side, the central body (CB) between NM and NP, and C2 on the M2 side. 3.3. Feedback and failure analysis We use feedback to analyse the stoppages recorded in the CITADIS train history files over a four year period (2018 to 2021). This allows us to map out the breakdowns, and then to analyse the most frequent breakdowns and those that have the greatest impact on availability in order to develop an action plan that meets the expectations of operators and users. 3.4. Statistical study of train sets: Performance measures are essential for any organisation whose operations depend on equipment. In addition, to improve the quality of service of equipment, it is necessary to consider the concepts of operational safety in the maintenance strategy. As failures are one of the most frequent sources of equipment unavailability and influence their proper operation, we were interested in the time between consecutive failures (TBF) of each train set. Thus, according to the historical records of the fleet train breakdowns recorded during the analysis period, we collected and grouped the operational failures in order to determine which trams are the most susceptible to failures in order to identify the priorities for action to be taken in an effective action plan that meets the operator's expectations. We took as a database the number of breakdowns and the intervention time corresponding to each train set = − (1) = 1 (2)

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