PSI - Issue 47

Adriansyah Bagus Aryanto et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 159–167 Aryanto et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



applied load. When viewed on the stress contour, Fig. 9(b) shows the contour when the load has not occurred so that no stress value appears. In Fig. 9(c), there is an increase in stress that occurs in the infill plate area. When loading continues, as seen in Fig. 9(d), the highest stress occurs in the column and triangular stiffener. This happens because when the alternating loading takes place the area experiences greater fatigue than other locations and it is proven that there is a large deformation in the area. 5. Conclusions The results of the finite element analysis for trapezoidal vertical corrugated steel shear walls can be concluded. The results of the mesh convergence carried out by buckling analysis show that the value of the first buckling load factor obtained tends to be stable when it reaches the mesh element 129382, with the value of the first buckling load factor tending to be stable at 2.9503. Meanwhile, with static generalization, the stress value starts to stabilize when it reaches the mesh element between 18000 to 90000 mesh elements. The PEEQ contour shows that the largest strain occurs in the infill plate. Compared with the reference contour, the damage to the infill plate is similar. The hysteresis generated by the simulation is quite close to the experimental results. The maximum shear force achieved in the experimental results is 500 kN. Meanwhile, in the simulation results, the maximum shear force is 504.52 kN. The biggest displacement also occurs in the infill plate. Its position is different from the location of the largest strain. This happens because the other parts are pulled when displacement occurs so that strain occurs at that location. The highest stress occurs in the column and triangular stiffener. This happens because when the alternating loading takes place the area experiences greater fatigue than other locations and it is proven that there is a large deformation in that area. Suggestions that can be made for further research are to vary the geometry and material used from the infill plate to find an attractive SPSW which can withstand earthquake lateral loads better. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the RKAT PTNBH Universitas Sebelas Maret Year 2023, under the Research Scheme of “Penelitian Unggulan Terapan” (PUT -UNS), with research grant/contract no. 228/UN27.22/PT.01.03/2023. The support is gratefully acknowledged by the authors. References Alwan, F.H.A., Prabowo, A.R., Muttaqie, T., Muhayat, N., Ridwan, R., Laksono, F.B., 2022. Assessment of ballistic impact damage on aluminum and magnesium alloys against high velocity bullets by dynamic FE simulations. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials 31, 595 616. 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