PSI - Issue 47

Adriansyah Bagus Aryanto et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 47 (2023) 159–167 Aryanto et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

165 7

Fig. 8. Comparison of the Force-Displacement hysteresis between FEM and pioneer experiment.

Judging from the PEEQ contour (as displayed in Fig. 7), the largest strain occurs in the infill plate. Compared with the reference contour, the damage to the infill plate is similar. A small difference is found at the bottom of the column where the simulation results show more deformation. If it is observed from the hysteresis phenomenon (as given in Fig. 8), the hysteresis generated by the simulation has a greater energy dissipation than the experimental results. However, the results obtained are quite close to the experimental results. The maximum shear force achieved in the experimental results is 500 kN. Meanwhile, in the simulation results, the maximum shear force is 504.52 kN.

Fig. 9. Calculation results: (a) the largest displacement contour, (b) stress contour at step 0, (c) stress contour at step 285, and (d) stress contour at step 1140.

In the displacement contour (Fig. 9), it is known that the largest displacement also occurs in the infill plate. Its position is opposite cross to the location of the greatest strain. There is a large displacement even at the location closest to the largest strain. This happens because the other parts are pulled when displacement occurs so that strain occurs at that location. Displacement also occurs in the beam and column on the left because it is in the same direction as the

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