Issue 47

Fracture and Structural Integrity, 47 (2019); ISSN 1971-9883

V. Alecci, M. De Stefano Building irregularity issues and architectural design in seismic areas ………………………………. 161 M. Fallah Tafti, S. A. Hoseini Aqda, H. Motamedi The impacts of type and proportion of five different asphalt modifiers on the low-temperature fracture toughness and fracture energy of modified HMA ……………………………….……………. 169 E. Mele, M. Fraldi, G. M. Montuori, G. Perrella, V. Della Vista Hexagrid-Voronoi transition in structural patterns for tall buildings ……………………………... 186 Y. Mizuno, Y. Kubota Structural form of bridges reflecting construction processes ………………………………………... 209 P. Ferro, F. Bonollo, F. Berto, A. Montanari Numerical modelling of residual stress redistribution induced by TIG-dressing ……...……………… 221 R. Fincato, S. Tsutsumi, H. Momii Ductile damage evolution law for proportional and non-proportional loading conditions …….………. 231 S. K. Kourkoulis, E. D. Pasiou, C. F. Markides Analytical and numerical study of the stress field in a circular semi- ring under combined diametral compression and bending ……………………………………………………….………….. 247 L. Marsavina, I. O. Pop, E. Linul Mechanical and fracture properties of particleboard …………………………………….………. 266 M. F. Funari, F. Greco, P. Lonetti A numerical model based on ALE formulation to predict crack propagation in sandwich structures …... 277 F. Moroni, A. Pirondi, C. Pernechele, A. Gaita, L. Vescovi Comparison of tensile strength and fracture toughness under mode I and II loading of co-cured and co bonded CFRP joints ……………………………………………………………………… 294 Yu. G. Matvienko, V.S. Pisarev, S. I. Eleonsky The effect of low-cycle fatigue on evolution of fracture mechanics parameters in residual stress field caused by cold hole expansion ……………………...…………………………………………….... 303 E. Grande, M. Imbimbo, S. Marfia, E. Sacco Numerical simulation of the de-bonding phenomenon of FRCM strengthening systems ……...……….. 321 D. Rigon, M. Ricotta, G. Meneghetti Analysis of dissipated energy and temperature fields at severe notches of AISI 304L stainless steel specimens ………............................................................................................................................... 334 D. Benasciutti, D. Zanellati, A. Cristofori The “Projection-by-Projection” (PbP) criterion for multiaxial random fatigue loadings: Guidelines to practical implementation ………………………………………………………………….... 348 F. Cucinotta, F. Sfravara, Paolo N., A. Razionale Composite sandwich impact response: experimental and numerical analysis ………………………... 367


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