Issue 47
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 47 (2019); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
Table of Contents
S. Li, T. Ma, L. Zhang, Q. Sun Numerical simulation method study of rock fracture based on strain energy density theory …………….. 1 A. Bensari, E.B. Ould Chikh, B. Bouchouicha, M. Tirenifi Numerical simulation of a steel weld joint and fracture mechanics study of a Compact Tension Specimen for zones of weld joint ……………………………..……………………………………….. 17 A. Chouiter, D. Benzerga, A. Haddi , T. Tamine Prediction of cycle life of expansion bellows for fixed tube sheet heat exchanger ………............................ 30 S. Akbari, S.M. Nabavi, H. Moayeri Novel weight functions and stress intensity factors for quarter-elliptical cracks in lug attachments ……… 39 I. Elmeguenni, M. Mazari Numerical investigation on Stress Intensity Factor and J Integral in Friction Stir Welded Joint through XFEM method …………………………………………………………...……………... 54 H. Leping, C. Yuan, Z. Junsen, H. Qijun, S. Dadong, Z. Haibin, L. Xirui The thermal damaging process of diorite under microwave irradiation …………………………….... 65 Z.-Y. Han, Y.-F. Cheng, X.-L. Li, C.-l. Yan Experimental study on shale fracturing assisted by low-temperature freezing ……………………….. 74 J. P. Manaia, F. A. Pires, A. M. P. de Jesus Elastoplastic and fracture behaviour of semi-crystalline polymers under multiaxial stress states …...…… 82 P. Foti, S. Filippi, F. Berto Fatigue assessment of welded joints by means of the Strain Energy Density method: Numerical predictions and comparison with Eurocode 3 ……………………………………………………………. 104 S. Bressan, F. Ogawa, T. Itoh, F. Berto Influence of notch sensitivity and crack initiation site on low cycle fatigue life of notched components under multiaxial non-proportional loading ..................................................................................................... 126 P. Olmati, K. Gkoumas, F. Bontempi Simplified FEM modelling for the collapse assessment of a masonry vault ............................................... 141 K. Gkoumas, F. Bontempi Development of a piezoelectric energy harvesting sensor: from concept to reality ………………....…… 150
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