Issue 37
Fracture and Structural Integrity, 37 (2016); ISSN 1971-9883
K. Yanase, B.M. Shönbauer, M. Endo High cycle torsional fatigue properties of 17-4PH stainless steel …………………………………. 101 Les P. Pook, F. Berto, A. Campagnolo Coupled fracture modes under anti-plane loading …………………………...………………… 108 M. Mokhtarishirazbad, P. Lopez-Crespo, B. Moreno, D. Camas, A. Lopez-Moreno, M. Zanganeh Experimental and analytical study of cracks under biaxial fatigue ........................................................ 114 V. Anes, L. Reis, M. de Freitas On the assessment of multiaxial fatigue damage under variable amplitude loading………………….. 124 M. Vieira, M. de Freitas, L. Reis, A. M. R. Ribeiro, M. da Fonte Development of a Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) multiaxial testing device …………………… 131 M. A. Meggiolaro, J. T. P. de Castro, Hao Wu A multiaxial incremental fatigue damage formulation using nested damage surfaces …........………… 138 M. Margetin, R. Ďurka, V. Chmelko Multiaxial fatigue criterion based on parameters from torsion and axial S-N curve ………......…….. 146 J. Kramberger, M. Šori, M. Šraml, S. Glodež Computational simulation of biaxial fatigue behaviour of lotus-type porous material ……………….. 153 N. R. Gates, A. Fatemi Interaction of shear and normal stresses in multiaxial fatigue damage analysis ……………..……… 160 N. R. Gates, Ali Fatemi, N. Iyyer, N. Phan Fatigue crack growth behavior under multiaxial variable amplitude loading .......................................... 166 P.S. van Lieshout, J.H. den Besten, M.L. Kaminski Comparative study of multiaxial fatigue methods applied to welded joints in marine structures ……… 173 V. Shlyannikov, A. Zakharov, R. Yarullin A plastic stress intensity factor approach to turbine disk structural integrity assessment ……………... 193 C.M. Sonsino, R. Franz Multiaxial fatigue of cast aluminium EN AC-42000 T6 (G-AlSi7Mg0.3 T6) for automotive safety components under constant and variable amplitude loading …........……………………………… 200 L. Susmel, D. G. Hattingh, M. N. James, E. Maggiolini, R. Tovo Designing aluminium friction stir welded joints against multiaxial fatigue …......................………… 207 S. Vantadori, A. Carpinteri, G. Fortese, C. Ronchei, D. Scorza, F. Berto Two-parameter fracture model for cortical bone …………………………………………........………… 215 M. Kurek, T. Łagoda, A. Carpinteri, S. Vantadori Estimation of fatigue strength under multiaxial cyclic loading by varying the critical plane orientation ... 221 G. Beretta, V. Chaves, A. Navarro Biaxial fatigue tests of notched specimens for AISI 304L stainless steel …........…………………... 228
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