Issue 37

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 37 (2016); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture

Table of Contents

A. Eberlein, H. A. Richard Crack front segmentation under combined mode I- and mode III-loading …………………………. 1 C. Madrigal, A. Navarro, C. Vallellano Plastic flow equations for the local strain approach in the multiaxial case ………………………… 8 P. Bernardi, R. Cerioni, E. Michelini, A. Sirico Numerical simulation of early-age shrinkage effects on RC member deflections and cracking development 15 A. Shanyavskiy, A. Toushentsov Multiaxial fatigue of in-service aluminium longerons for helicopter rotor-blades …………….……..... 22 B. Jo, Y. Shim, A. Raji ć , S. Sharifimehr, A. Fatemi Deformation and fatigue behaviors of carburized automotive gear steel and predictions …...………….. 28 J. Vázquez, S. Astorga, C. Navarro, J. Domínguez Analysis of initial crack path in fretting fatigue ………………………………………...……... 38 C. Brugger, T. Palin-Luc, P. Osmond, M. Blanc Ultrasonic fatigue testing device under biaxial bending ……………………….…........................... 46 C. Riess, M. Obermayr, M. Vormwald The non-proportionality of local stress paths in engineering applications ...………………………… 52 D. Angelova, R. Yordanova, S. Yankova Analysis of fatigue behaviour of stainless steels under hydrogen influence ………….……………… 60 H. A. Richard, A. Eberlein 3D-mixed-mode-loading: material characteristic values and criteria’s validity …….............................. 80 I. Llavori, M.A. Urchegui, W. Tato, X. Gomez An all-in-one numerical methodology for fretting wear and fatigue life assessment ………………...… 87 J. Albinmousa Investigation on parametric representation of proportional and nonproportional multiaxial fatigue responses ………....……………………………………………………………………... 94


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