Issue 3

M. Zakeri et

al., Frattura

trutturale, 3

(2008) 2 - 10

ed Integrità S

Figure 8. M

eshing conf

iguration arou

nd the curved

crack tip.

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btained from here is a go ethods, tho in the case d crack fron ot taken int ls. Hence, t veloping a s explained FLUENCE RACK FRO perimental ble to analy considering f polycarbo allows to i re 9. Finite e .

lement mode

l with the ap

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ents (crack p

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FEM anal od agreeme ugh there a of K II . This t through th o considerat he role of c three dimen in the next s

ysis (see Ta nt between re some mi problem m e specimen ion in the 2D rack tip curv sional finite ection.

b. 1). It is s the results f nor errors e ay be due to thickness w finite elem ature is stu element m

een rom spe- the hich ents died odel

II condition riscope and ors values, stress condi ell. In this of-plane str With the ai k front on th e dimension ent softwar model sch cimens used and thickne orresponden s and has a hown in Fi ndent to the curvature e

s. However utilized to are an integ tion along t way, the cra esses that le m to study e stress inte al model is es PATRAN ematizes a in experim ss h=10 mm ce of a diam curved front g. 8. Even real situatio ffect though

, the fringe calculate th ral of the lig he thickness ck tip can a ad to the p the influenc nsity factor developed b /ABAQUS. Brazilian di ental part, w . The centr eter, cross in the form if it is not c ns, the circ the thickn

s observed a e stress inte ht that desc of the spec lso be impos resence of e of a curvi s determinat y using the sk similar t ith radius R al crack is p es the disk t of a circula ompletely c ular arc incr ess of the

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studies usin ze the stress them as 2 nate sheet to nvestigate o

g the phot condition i D-models. I prepare th nly the pres

oelasticity, nside the sp n this way, e cracked sp ence of mod

it is eci- the eci es I


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