Issue 3
M. Zakeri et
al., Frattura
ed Integrità S
trutturale, 3
(2008) 2 - 10
igure 6. Load
ing frame em
ployed to app
ly compressi
ve load on th
e disks and de
finition of the
c dimensions .
7. Isochroma
tic fringes aro
und the crack
tips of the d
isks: a) N-1, b
) N-2.
thod kno sent
show tips f
s the resulta or the two d
nt isochrom isks.
atic fringes a
round the c
and the m wn paramet ed in Tab. 1 hould be me ct to K II in b crack tips w
ethod of le ers K II , and . ntioned tha oth cases. H as subjected n Experim 4.34 4.82 -0.38 -0.26 mental result ith FEM res ndings pres Brazilian d re mode II ey are com
ast squares. T were c t K I was ve ence it could to mode II c K II [MPa ent FEM 4.7 5.13 T -Stress [M 9 0.40 2 0.27 s obtained f ults [4]. ented in Ta isks contain condition. In pared with 1
Finally, th alculated as ry small wi be assume onditions.
e un- pre th re d that
It s spe the
4 E As s aroun obser with tence term calcu this a using and t lect s ders. gram deter tant n fittin
XPERIME hown in Fi d the crack ved discont the theoret of the T-st can be quan lating the c im, the obta a compute he Image Pr ome data p These data prepared fo ministic tech on-linear eq g process in
NTAL RE g. 7, the ob tips are asy inuous loop ical predicti ress in mod tified by usi rack tip par ined isochro r code prepa ocessing To oints from f were utilize r a full field nique [11]. uations are volves both
SULTS tained pho mmetric in s are in go ons, and co e II conditi ng the comm ameters, K I matic fringe red in MAT olbox was e ringe loops d in another analysis ba In this tech numerically the Newto
toelastic frin both cases. od consiste nfirm the e ons. This st on methods , K II , and T s were analy LAB softw mployed to of different MATLAB sed on the o nique, the re solved, and n-Raphson
ges The ncy xis ress for .For zed are, col- or
m m ]
Specime N-1 N-2
7.9% 6.0%
N-1 N-2 le 1. Experi s, compared w erimental fi investigated -stress in pu e results, th
2.7% 2.9% rom the Bra
Tab disk
pro ver
Exp the of T thes
b. 1 indicate negative v order to va numerical r
that alues lidate esults
sul- the me
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