Issue 15
I. S. Raju et
alii, Frattura ed
Integrità Struttu
rale, 15 (2011)
35-49; DOI: 10
(a) Va
rious defects w
ith the left tip
fixed at Loca
tion -2.
(b) Left Fracture mec
tip. hanics respons
. ocation -2.
(c) Right tip t tip fixed at L
Figure 17 :
e for the left s
ubstrate defec
: Effect of var ud (i.e., defe ure. e clouds was r. For the co gher G T valu ere the mater efects yield ne-strain ana
ious variables ct initiation s determined ating/substr es. Because ial propertie higher G T va lysis (i.e., sim
on defect driv ite) was dete [1, 6] throu ate transition a sharp interf s were transi lues. For 3D ulating a th
ing force. rmined by st gh finite elem zone, the in ace does not tioned from effects, par rough defect
Figure 18 the green clo ter of this fig in the orang in this pape nd yielded hi ze zones wh size, larger d ted using pla
Th like Th ana coa con low G T
e effect of th the one sho e effect of th lyses like tho ting/substra ducted using er G T values values than
e variable in wn in the cen e variables se presented te interface a different si . For defect those compu
udying the ph ent and fra itial analyses exist in reali substrate to t-through de ). These res
otomicrogra cture mecha assumed a sh ty, analyses w coating, yield fects yield lo ults demonst
phs nics arp ere ing wer rate
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