Issue 15
I. S
. Raju et alii, Fr
attura ed Integri
tà Strutturale, 1
5 (2011) 35-49
; DOI: 10.3221/I
ode G value orbit cold is tive.
e G II values d indicating
n the G I valu parison of G
Th ope ove
e individual m ning for on rly conserva
s were also e dominated b
xamined. Th y Mode II an
are larger tha that the com
es, suggestin T to G Ic in F
g that the de ig. 16(b) may
fect be
(a) Interface
defect at craze at varyin
crack Locatio g craze crack l
n +1 and defo ocations (defo
rmed configu rmation scaled
rations for int by 20x).
erface defects
G T . ace defect loca
) Normalized ction of interf
ed G T
16 : Normaliz
as a fun
tion – On-orb
it cold.
Sub Th loc use tips En and 17( nor Eq cas righ cas
strate Defects e fracture me ations and th d in this pap are located try Peak Heati the location b) for the le malized by G . 4 and norm es -2→+1 an t tip becom e -2→+4), th
– Effect of D chanics resp en extending er to indicate at Locations ng . To study of the right ft tip and in Ic , and the g alized by G I d -2→+2), t es larger than e left tip nor
efect Length onse for sub the defect a that a subsu A and B, resp “very long” s defect tip is v Fig. 17(c) fo reen dashed c . For the in he left tip is s the normal malized G T e
strate defects long the jogg rface defect e ectively, as i ubstrate defe aried along r the right ti curves repres itial case (i.e table, but th ized G T sugg xceeds the n
is examined le (i.e., chan xists between llustrated in F cts for entry the joggle up p. The blue ent the resis ., case -2→0 e right tip is u esting a retu ormalized R a
by fixing th ging the defe Location A ig. 17(a). peak heating, to Location curves repre tance to the ), both defec nstable. Fo rn to a stabl nd hence th
e left tip of t ct size or len and Locatio the left defe +4. The frac sent the tota defect drivin t tips are sta r the case -2→ e region. Fo e left tip beco
he defect at gth). The no n B. The left ct tip is place ture respons l defect driv g force, or R ble. For lon +3, the nor r the “very l mes unstable
different acre tation ‘A→B and right de d at Location e is given in ing force, or , evaluated u ger defects malized R at ong” defect .
age ’ is fect -2, Fig. G T , sing (i.e., the (i.e.,
g force, the G of these varia
this ssed
s menti applica qualitat
oned previou tion. Some o ively.
sly, there are f these variab
many variab les are ident
les that cont ified in Fig. 1
ribute to the 8, and the ef
defect drivin fect of each
T value, for bles is discu
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