Issue 15
K. V
ogel et alii, Fra
ttura ed Integrit
à Strutturale, 15
(2011) 21-28;
DOI: 10.3221/IG
In in dur ref pla five sam
addition to th the introduct ation of the erence specim sma (N 2 -plas minutes. Th ples vary be
e heat treatm ion, the surf plasma treat ens have n ma) have bee e annealing tween 1.38 N
ent, the infl ace activatio ment can als o plasma ac n taken into temperature and 4.26 N,
uence of the n can be car o vary. Thre tivation. Mo account. The of 100 °C w Fig. 6.
pre-treatmen ried out usin e different p reover, plasm duration for as the same
t has to be c g different re-treatments a activation the plasma t for all three s
haracterised plasmas and are compar s in oxygen reatment for tacks, too. T
as well. As al different pro ed in the pre (O 2 -plasma) the activated he maximum
ready mentio cess gases. sent paper. and in nitro stacks was b forces of th
ned The The gen oth ese
reference oxygen plasm nitrogen plasm a
measured force [N]
0.04 applie
0.06 d displaceme
nt [mm]
Figure 6 : F
orce displacem
ent curves fo
r different pre
For wit for
specimens w hout any pla oxygen plasm
ith plasma a sma activatio a.
ctivation, th n. The maxim
e measured m um forces
aximum for for samples a
ces are appro ctivated in n
ximately thr itrogen plasm
ee times high a are a little
er than the o bit smaller t
nce han
and red ly a
he varia therefor By keep
tion of geom e to different ing the struc metry 2) ins on of Y( ) c the wafer h the values of ometry, the m ghness can e manufactu t at higher t um force a afers, either me annealing her than the ens varies fo annealing
etries and bo fracture tou ture height h tead of a sam an be observ eight leads to Y( ) decreas inima of the be determin ring process. emperatures nd the fractu in oxygen or temperature one of sam r different a temperature
nd paramete ghness. S constant, a ple consistin ed, Fig. 7. a significant e with increa stress inten ed. Using th Smaller frac leads to hig re toughnes nitrogen pla , the maxim ples with any nnealing tem of 40 °C is
rs leads to di nd changing g of an unstr deviation be sing wafer he sity coefficien e same geo ture toughne her maximum s of the spec sma, before b um force an other pre-t peratures. Fu much highe
fferent functi the position uctured and tween the fu ight. t and the ma metries the sses can be o forces and imens can b onding, Fig. d therefore t reatment. Th rthermore, t r than the o
ons for the s of the struc a structured c
tress intensit ture by usin hip (Si-Si ge
y coefficient g two structu ometry 1), on
wa neg Th coe Bas the par A h me sur Ap spe act sam tem
fers (Si-Si geo ligible variati e variation of fficients. So ed on the ge fracture tou ameters of th eat treatmen asured maxim faces of the w plying the sa cimens is hig ivated specim ples with an peratures.
nctions and
e stress inten
minima of th
ximum force fracture toug bserved for l also to high e significantl 8. he fracture to e deviation b he fracture t ne of non-a
recorded du hness only ower anneali er fracture t y increased ughness of etween oxyg oughness of ctivated spec
ring experim depends on ng temperatu oughnesses. by activating oxygen activ en and nitro plasma activ imens at hig
ent, the res. The the ated gen ated her
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