PSI - Issue 64
Sasan Farhadi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 64 (2024) 549–556
S. Farhadi et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000–000
Waveform sampling rate = 100 kHz time duration = 0.0102 s
Framing no. frames = 384 window function: Hamming
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) no. FTT = window length
Warping the Freq. to Mel-scale transformation method: Mel
no. mel bands = 32 filter type: triangular
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) DCT type: type-III
MFCCs no. bands = 32 MFCC shape = (32, 128)
Fig. 1: Process to extract MFCC features
Fig. 2: Activations functions and their derivatives
Moreover, it is worth noting that activation functions play a crucial role in neural networks by determining the output of neural processing units 2. These functions and their derivatives are crucial for the backpropagation process, allowing the model to adjust its parameters correctly during training.
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