PSI - Issue 64
Antonino Maria Marra et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 64 (2024) 2117–2124 Marra et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
Fig. 7. PDF of the measured natural period for a structure characterized by a certain period and elastic restraint stiffness (measurement errors).
Fig. 8. Posterior distribution of the restraint stiffness obtained through the updating processes compared with the prior distribution.
6. Concluding remarks The present work deals with the Bayesian updating of the finite-element model for a curved bridge deck. The results of ambient vibration tests allow us to identify the first natural frequencies of the structure. The first frequencies confirm qualitatively the results of the FE-modeling, with the first two modes mainly related, respectively, to flexural and torsional deformation. The BMu leads to an estimation of the elastic stiffness of the roller supports at one end of the deck based on the first natural frequency measured. The concentration of the probability in proximity to the null value means that the constraints are closer to the roller than pinned supports. As future steps and prospects of the work, BMu will be performed to update both the elastic modulus of the deck and the elastic stiffness of the roller supports. In addition, a larger amount of information will be included by
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