PSI - Issue 6

L.N. Kondratieva et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 6 (2017) 101–108 L.N. Kondratieva, V.M. Popov,P.Ye. Medvedsky/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2017) 000 – 000


where γ – specific gravity of soil, kN/m 3 ; A – coefficient,

0 tg ; A u F    ξ – lateral soil pressure coefficient,

;  φ 0 = k φ; p – pressure on closed soil body surface, kPа; с – specific cohesion of soil, kPa; φ – internal soil friction angle, degrees; tgφ – soil friction coefficient; z – depth, m; u – perimeter of closed soil body on layout, m; F – closed soil body area, m 2 ; φ 0 – soil-to- wall friction angle, degrees; tgφ 0 – soil-to- wall friction coefficient; ν – soil transverse strain coefficient; k – soil-to-wall behavior coefficient. Additional stresses in soil body free of corset are determined using the formula Florin,V.A. (1959):       2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 arctg , 2 4 4 4 4 zp blz b l z p bl z b l z b z l z b l z                             (3) where p – additional (settlement) pressure, kPa; b & l – accordingly width and length of foundation base, m. Let's investigate characteristics of vertical stresses distribution in homogeneous plastic clay body. Let's determine (by formulas (1) & (3)) vertical stresses an d plot the epuresσ vp & σ zp (Fig. 2). а) b) 1   

Vertical stress, kPa

Vertical stress, kPa

c = 0 c = 10 c = 20 c = 30 c = 40 с = 50

φ = 5 ° φ = 10 ° φ = 15 ° φ = 20 ° φ = 25 ° φ = 30 ° φ = 35 ° φ = 40 ° σ zp 0,2σ zg

Depth, m

Depth, m

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