PSI - Issue 44
Federico Germano et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 44 (2023) 902–909 F. Germano et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
2. schematics of measurement architecture
This measure architecture was already proven with success in the field of infrastructure monitoring. In one example, a long bridge with two ways and a length of 1200m for each way was actively monitored with ͌ 500 sensors, completely collected by around 20 acquisition nodes. Each node is collecting sensor data coming from very different sensors (Voltage output, IEPE sensors, current output, digital output, ..) and each node is looking differently to each other, due to the difference in sensor conditioned. Thus, all the nodes connected with optical fiber are actively synchronized with precision up to 1 microsecond, so no question about differences in phase angle. This acquisition system architecture looks very promising to ensure quality of the measurement, preserving a simplified installation, a reduced cable length setup, an easy maintenance and repair due to the modularity of the system.
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