PSI - Issue 44

Agnese Natali et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 44 (2023) 2012–2019 Agnese Natali et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000



Furthermore, the system provides non-repudiable proofs of the actions made by the users and the computation carried by the algorithm. Non-repudiation is accomplished by combining techniques such as hashing of the data and the usage of digital signatures. 5. Conclusions INSPICIO is a new software developed within the framework of a collaboration among the Authors in order to support all the activities regarding the classification of bridges, from the Level 0 to Level 2, according to the “Guidelines for classification, risk management, assessment of level of safety and monitoring of the existing bridges” and their integrations trough the “Operating Instructions”. The interface, the characteristics and the attributes of the software are all organized in order to support all the possible operators in the whole process, considering all the aspects, from the scientific background to the shareability of information considering each user responsibility and role, and all the practical necessities connected to the use of the software (for example where no internet connection is available). The software is now in its testing phase, to adjust and optimize the final product. In its current form, it represents a powerful instrument to execute and support the operators through all the activities till the classification. This can give the base for the creation of a database with all the information about the existing structures, and can be implemented with algorithms to handle the phase that follows the classification. Indeed, when a wide quantity of bridges is managed, many bridges may share the same warning class, so the software could be helpful with the organization and prioritization of the activities. The same thinking can be applied to the organization of visual inspections (Level 1) after census. In this case, the software could be implemented with an artificial neutral network capable of foresee the WaC starting from the data gathered in the census. The construction and training of the artificial neutral network could be done on a large sample of bridges for which the whole process has been already performed. In any case, all these possibilities highlight the great potentialities of this instrument, moving along a path of computerisation and automated and intelligent management of actions for the management of existing structures. ANAS, Direzione Operation e Coordinamento Territoriale, 2018. Relazione di sintesi sulle attività di vigilanza di ponti e viadotti. Ansfisa (2022). Istruzioni Operative per l’applicazione delle Linee Guida per la classificazione e gestione del rischio, la valutazione della sicurezza ed il monitoraggio dei ponti esistenti. CIAS - Censimento, Ispezioni visive, Tecniche di ripristino, Indagini sperimentali, 2011. Manuale Valutazione dello Stato dei Ponti. Deng, L., Wang, W., and Yu, Y., 2016. State-of-the-Art Review on the Causes and Mechanisms of Bridge Collapse. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30(2), 04015005. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000731 Franchetti, P., Pellegrino, C., Soffiato, A., and Modena, C., 2003. XIII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE S.I.I.V., 16. Ministero delle infrastrutture e della mobilità sostenibili (2020). Linee Guida per la classificazione e gestione del rischio, la valutazione della sicurezza ed il monitoraggio dei ponti esistenti. Montepara, A., Merusi, F., and Giuliani, F., (n.d.). Sviluppo di una nuova metodologia per la valutazione delle priorità di intervento di manutenzione di ponti e viadotti. Tan, J.-S., Elbaz, K., Wang, Z.-F., Shen, J. S., and Chen, J., 2020. Lessons Learnt from Bridge Collapse: A View of Sustainable Management. Sustainability, 12(3), 1205. References

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