PSI - Issue 44
Silvia Caprili et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 44 (2023) 1030–1037 Sivia Caprili et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000
for the new constructions, but also to fulfil European goals, e.g. the decarbonization of the building stock by 2050. Numerous answers have been given to the two problems mentioned over the years: recently, however, more and more attention has been paid to the search for integrated and cost-effective solutions. In this paper, the seismic and energy upgrading of a masonry building is proposed by applying an innovative wall type exoskeleton made of expanded-clay blocks, a thin reinforced concrete layer cast on-site and a high-density insulation layer. The proposed system is conceived to withstand the horizontal loads, while the vertical ones still remain on the existing structure. Simultaneously, thanks to the presence of a high insulation layer, it is capable of incrementing the thermal inertia and, as a consequence, the energy performance of the building. Numerical analyses on a representative case study showed that the retrofitted building present increased shear and in-plane bending capacity, leading to an enhanced response to seismic design actions. The improvement in energy performance was proven by a relevant reduction in both energy consumption and thermal transmittance. The calculated shift in heat output and input point, together with less energy lost by conduction from the retrofitted walls, led to better global and local indoor comfort conditions. A first positive result was then achieved, confirming the possible applicability of the integrated system and set the stage for the application to several case studies and more in-depth analyses. Acknowledgments The present paper was developed in the framework of a research grant funded by PAVER Costruzioni S.p.A. The Authors would like to thank Paver engineers and technicians for their kind collaboration and interest in the work. 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