PSI - Issue 43
Elisaveta Kirilova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 43 (2023) 282–287 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
Fig. 4. A relationship between debond length and the length of the structure for Case 2 at applied fixed load of 3 GPa.
4. Conclusions A parametric analysis of the influence of the geometry (layer thickness and length) and the magnitude of axially applied tension mechanical load on the delamination in a three-layer WS 2 /SU-8/PMMA nanocomposite structure has been performed. Based on the model solutions for all ISSs in the considered nanostructure, the model ISS in the middle adhesive layer is calculated for different geometry of the structure (Case 1 and Case 2) and different magnitudes of the applied load. It was found, that the critical stress value with respect to loading is 5 GPa for the structure with the thinner PMMA layer (Case 1) and 1.175 GPa for the structure with the thicker PMMA layer (Case 2), respectively. With increasing WS 2 length, the delamination took place at increasingly higher values of the applied load, for Case 2. For Case 1 a delamination is not occurred. It is established that the value of theoretical debond length slightly increases with increasing the structure length, at fixed applied load. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the Bulgarian National Science Fund for its financial support via the contract for project КП -06- Н57/3/15.11.2021. References Falin, A., Holwill, M., Lv, H., Gan, W., Cheng, J., Zhang, R., Qian, D., Barnett, M.R., Santos E.J.G., Novoselov, K. S., Tao. T., Wu, X., Li, L. H., 2021. Mechanical Properties of Atomically Thin Tungsten Dichalcogenides: WS 2 , WSe 2 , and WTe 2 . ACS nano 15(2), 2600-2610. Ghosh, S., Otorgust, G., Idelevich, A., Regev, O., Lapsker, I., Lewitus, D. Y., Zak, A., 2021. Reinforcement of Poly (methyl methacrylate) by WS2 Nanotubes towards Antiballistic Applications. Composites Science and Technology 207, 108736. Golan, O., Shalom, H., Kaplan-Ashiri, I., Cohen, S. R., Feldman, Y., Pinkas, I., Almog R.O., Zak, A., Tenne, R., 2021. Poly (L-lactic acid) Reinforced with Hydroxyapatite and Tungsten Disulfide Nanotubes. Polymers 13(21), 3851. Lalwani, G., Henslee, A. M., Farshid, B., Parmar, P., Lin, L., Qin, Y. X., Kasper, F.K., Mikos, A.G., Sitharaman, B., 2013. Tungsten Disulfide Nanotubes Reinforced Biodegradable Polymers for Bone Tissue Engineering. Acta biomaterialia 9(9), 8365-8373. Lee, J. H., Wu, C., Sung, S., An, H., Kim, T. W., 2019. Highly Flexible and Stable Resistive Switching Devices based on WS 2 Nanosheets: Poly (methylmethacrylate) Nanocomposites. Scientific reports 9(1), 1-8. Kirilova, E., Petrova, T., Becker W., Ivanova J., 2019. Mathematical Modelling of Stresses in Graphene Polymer Nanocomposites under Static Extension Load, 2019 IEEE 14th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 1-4. Petrova, T., Kirilova, E., Becker, W., Ivanova, J., 2022a. Two-dimensional Stress and Strain Analysis for Graphene-polymer Nanocomposite under Axial Load. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 8(3), 1065-1075. Petrova, T., Kirilova, E., Becker, W., Vaklieva-Bancheva, N., Vladova, R., Dineva-Vladikova, P., 2022b. Modelling of the two-dimensional stresses in a three-layered adhesively bonded tungsten disulfide/poly(methyl methacrylate) nanocomposite structure under axial load, 10th International Conference on Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture, Brno, Czech Republic, paper # CM00316. Simić, D. M., Stojanović, D. B., Dimić, M., Mišković, K., Marjanović, M., Burzić, Z., Uskoković, P.S., Zak, A., Tenne, R., 2019 . Impact Resistant Hybrid Composites Reinforced with Inorganic Nanoparticles and Nanotubes of WS 2 . Composites Part B: Engineering 176, 107222. Wang, F., Li, S., Bissett, M. A., Kinloch, I. A., Li, Z., Young, R. J., 2020. Strain Engineering in Monolayer WS 2 and WS 2 Nanocomposites. 2D Materials 7(4), 045022.
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