PSI - Issue 43
Václav Paidar / Procedia Structural Integrity 43 (2023) 3–8 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
5. Conclusions Using the energies and displacement vectors of the stable stacking faults calculated by the density functional theory (Yin, Wu et al. 2017) for both types of the pyramidal planes, the widths and energies of dissociated dislocations were fixed in the frame of linear elasticity. In that way the properties of dislocations can be assessed for crystal loading close to the c-axis. The c+a dislocations are more mobile on the pyramidal plane I in titanium contrary to zinc where they glide on the pyramidal plane II. Nevertheless, the c+a dislocations can cross-slip in titanium into the pyramidal plane II. The behaviour of magnesium cannot be unambiguously determined by our simple model. Acknowledgements The author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education financed by European Structural and Investment Funds and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports [Project No. SOLID21]. References Ando, S., H. Kitahara and M. Tsushida (2011). "Fatigue behavior of pure titanium single crystals by bending method." Proc. Eng. 10 : 1384-1389. Britton, T. B., F. P. E. Dunne and A. J. Wilkinson (2015). "On the mechanistic basis of deformation at the microscale in hexagonal close-packed metals." Proc. R. Soc. A 471: 20140881. Clouet, E., D. Caillard, N. Chaari, F. Onimus and D. Rodney (2015). "Dislocation locking versus easy glide in titanium and zirconium." Nat. Mater. 14: 931-936. Gale, W.F. and T.C. Totemeier (2004). Smithells Metals Reference Book. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Paidar, V. and V. Vitek (2002). "Stacking fault-type interfaces and their role in deformation." Intermetallic Compounds, Progress. Chichester, John Wiley. 437-467. Rosenbaum, H. S. (1961). "Non-basal slip and twinning accommodation in zinc crystals." Acta Metall. 9: 742-748. Veiga, C., J. P. Davim and A. J. R. Loureiro (2012). "Properties and applications of titanium alloys: A brief review." Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 32: 14-34. Vitek, V. and V. Paidar (2008). "Non-planar dislocation cores: A ubiquitous phenomenon affecting mechanical properties of crystalline materials." Dislocations in Solids. Amsterdam, North-Holland. 14: 439-514. Wu, Z., R. Ahmad, B. Yin, S. Sandlöbes and W. A. Curtin (2018). "Mechanistic origin and prediction of enhanced ductility in magnesium alloys." Science 359: 447-452. Yin, B., Z. Wu and W. A. Curtin (2017). "Comprehensive first-principles study of stable stacking faults in hcp metals." Acta Mater. 123 : 223-234.
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