PSI - Issue 43

Robert Szlosarek et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 43 (2023) 41–46 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000



Fig. 6. experimental findings of the crack initiation location and contour plot of the damage value of the simulation.

4. Discussion The presented research has the aim to review to possibility to perform a fatigue analysis for a multiaxial stress situation including fretting. The results show significant differences for the load cycles to crack and the crack initiation location. The load cycles to crack are much too low in the simulation model. More meaningful is the finding that the simulation model cannot predict the correct crack initiation location for the preloads 110 kN and 225 kN. In the experiment it is in the fretting zone and in the simulation model at the borehole. Overall, it can be stated that it is not possible to perform a fatigue analysis for this multiaxial stress situation with the methods implemented in the commercial solver. This is a meaningful gap for future research. Methods which take multiaxial stress situations with a dominant stress in thickness direction and fretting into account seem to be necessary to handle this load situation. References Knothe, W., Schumacher, J., Streicher, M., Fischer, G., 2008. Interactions between wheel and hub — developments and potentials at commercial vehicles. Materials Testing 50, 12-19. Wöllner, U., Szlosarek, R., Kröger, M. 2022. Fatigue behavior of agricultural rims under rotating bending load. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures , 1‐16. Zhuang, W. Z., 2000. Prediction of crack growth from bolt holes in a disc. International Journal of Fatigue 22(3), 241 – 250. Shanyavskiy, A., 2013. Fatigue crack propagation in turbine disks of EI698 superalloy. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 7(24), 13 – 25. Szlosarek, R., Kröger, M ., 2022. Fatigue behavior of bolted boreholes under various preloads. Materials Testing 64(2), 195-201. Benhamena, A., Amrouche, A., Talha, A., Benseddiq, N., 2012. Effect of contact forces on fretting fatigue behavior of bolted plates: Numerical and experimental analysis. Tribology International 48, 237-245. Chakherlou, T. N., Oskouei, R. H., Vogwell, J.,2008. Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of clamping force on the fatigue behaviour of bolted plates. Engineering Failure Analysis 15(5), 563 – 574, 2008. Chakherlou, T. N., Alvandi-Tabrizi, Kiani, A., 2011. On the fatigue behavior of cold expanded fastener holes subjected to bolt tightening. International Journal of Fatigue 33(6), 800 – 810, 2011. Esmaeili, F., Chakherlou, T. N., Zehsaz, M., Hasanifard, S., 2013. Investigating the effect of clamping force on the fatigue life of bolted plates using volumetric approach. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 27(12), 3657 – 3664. Boller, C., Seeger, T., 1987. Materials data for cyclic loading. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

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