PSI - Issue 41


Mikhail Bannikov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 41 (2022) 518–526 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000






Fig. 3 - Typical distributions of the energy of acoustic emission events for unidirectional composites under conditions of uniaxial quasi-static (a) and cyclic loading (b) and the dependence of the energy of acoustic emission events on the rate of its change for unidirectional composites under conditions of uniaxial quasi-static (c) and cyclic loading (d)

3. Analysis of acoustic emission signals during cyclic loading In this work, algorithms for cluster analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of multiscale development of damage to composites under conditions of uniaxial quasi-static and cyclic loading are applied according to acoustic emission data and distributions of strain field fluctuations. Algorithms and programs for implementing cluster analysis include: an algorithm for reading acoustic emission data, an algorithm for reading distributions of strain field fluctuations, an algorithm for calculating the dependence of the energy of acoustic emission events on its rate of change, an algorithm for determining the most fluctuating point of the deformation field, an algorithm for calculating the dependences of fluctuations of a field point deformations on the rate of their change, as well as the gradient of their changes, cluster analysis based on the agglomerative hierarchical approach, multifractal analysis. Computer programs were developed

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