PSI - Issue 40

Aleksey Antimonov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 40 (2022) 17–26 Aleksey Antimonov, Nadezhda Pushkareva / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Figure 13. Sample pipes.

In Fig. 13 the samples of pipes obtained by brittle cyclic bending are presented. It follows from the figure that using breaking process provides good geometry of pipe cross-section, that is quite enough to make necessary process steps during drawing. 9. Conclusion The presented results of theoretical, experimental and development work show that a promising direction of circular rolled products and pipes cutting is the use of breaking by cyclic circular bending without applying bladed and abrasive cutting tools. References Veselovskij S., 1973. Razrezka materialov [Cutting materials]. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, pp. 360. Poljanskij S., Antimonov A., Sokolovskij V., 1985. Rezka holodnodeformirovannyh trub [Cutting cold formed pipes]. Chermetinformacija Institute, Moscow, pp. 35. Bondarenko B., 1968. Rezka sortovogo prokata na mernye zagotovki [Cutting long products into dimensional workpieces]. NIIMASh, Moscow, pp. 79. Kubrin I., Medvedjuk N., 1966. Rezanie metallov na stankah i pilah [Cutting metals on machines and saws]. Vysshaja shkola, Moscow, pp.161. Ural.fil. VNII abrazivov i shlifovanija [Ural Branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Abrasives and Grinding], 1988. Abrazivnaja rezka stal'nyh zagotovok: Metod rekomendacii [Abrasive Cutting of Steel Billets: Method of Recommendations]. VNIITJeRM, Moscow, pp. 31. Finkel' V., Golovin Ju., Rodjukov G., 1982. Holodnaja lomka prokata [Cold breaking of rolled products]. Metallurgija, Moscow, pp. 192. Filimonov E., Povyshenie jeffektivnosti razdelenija sortovogo prokata na mernye zagotovki detalej tipa valikov na osnove primenenija holodnoj lomki izgibom [Increasing the efficiency of dividing long products into dimensional workpieces of parts such as rolls based on the use of cold bending breaking], PhD dissertation, Saratov, 2003, pp.152. Golubev B., Lebedev F., 1988. Lazernaja tehnika i tehnologii, Kn.2: Inzhenernye osnovy sozdanija tehnologicheskih lazerov [Engineering fundamentals for creating technological lasers, Vol. 2: Engineering foundations for the creation of technological lasers], Vysshaja shkola, Moscow, pp.176. Golubev B., Lebedev F., 1988. Lazernaja tehnika i tehnologii, Kn.1: Inzhenernye osnovy sozdanija tehnologicheskih lazerov [Engineering fundamentals for creating technological lasers, Vol. 1: Engineering foundations for the creation of technological lasers]. Vysshaja shkola, Moscow, pp. 191. Shirshov I., Kotikov V., 1987. Plazmennaja rezka [Plasma cutting] Mashinostroenie, Leningrad, pp. 192. Poljanskij S., Nesterov A., 2004. Tehnologija i oborudovanie gidroabrazivnoj rezki [Waterjet cutting technology and equipment]. Vestnik Mashinostroenija 5, 43-46. Terent'ev V., Korableva S., 2015. Ustalost' metallov [Fatigue of metals]. Nauka, Moscow, pp. 479. Moskvitin V., 1965. Plastichnost' pri peremennyh nagruzhenijah [Plasticity under variable loads]. Moscow University Publishing House, Moscow, pp. 265. Manson S., 1974. Temperaturnye naprjazhenija i malociklovaja ustalost' [Thermal stresses and low cycle fatigue]. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, pp. 374. Sokolovskij V., Poljanskij S., Antimonov A., 1988. Prodolzhitel'nost' rezki trub pri znakoperemennom nagruzhenii [Duration of pipe cutting under alternating loading]. Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Chernaja metallurgija, 10, 34 – 37. Pisarenko G., Jakovlev A. , Matveev V., 1988. Spravochnik po soprotivleniju materialov, 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. [Handbook on the strength of materials, 2-nd edition]. Naukova dumka, Kiev, pp. 736. Poljanskij S., Antimonov A., Sokolovskij V., Dubonosov G., Araptanov G., Moiseev G., Raushenbah I., Uhov A., 1984. USSR Patent 1087272. Antimonov A., Poljanskij S., Sokolovskij V., Moiseev G., Raushenbah I., Uhov A.,1985. USSR Patent 1140901.

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