PSI - Issue 40

A.M. Povolotskaya et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 40 (2022) 359–364 A.M. Povolotskaya, A.N. Mushnikov / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



due to the presence of residual compressive stresses of various levels in the direction of the action of plastic deformation in the specimens. It has been shown experimentally that the main features of the dependences of the magnetic parameters on the level of plastic deformation, as well as the regions of plastic deformation in which these features manifest themselves, are the same for all the studied magnetic parameters. The magnetic parameters change abruptly and significantly until the strain reaches about 2 % and then less abruptly or only slightly until the strain values reach 7.5 – 10 %. The coercive force measured in the direction of tension has the greatest sensitivity to the value of strain, and it monotonically changes in the entire range of plastic strain. Acknowledgements The study used the equipment of the Plastometriya shared access center at the IES UB RAS. 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