PSI - Issue 34

N. Lammens et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 34 (2021) 247–252 N. Lammens/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Proper design of an AM component is thus largely dependent on the ability to numerically simulate the AM process, the resulting properties and their impact on the performance of the component. A process-property-performance (P3) chain is used to develop a simulation framework specifically tailored at AM applications. This paper presents an overview of current and on-going research on several aspects in this P3-chain. Some preliminary results are illustrated on a use-case example for an automotive application. 2. Automotive use-case The use-case shown throughout this paper is a gearbox mount for an electric race car. The mount supports the gearbox and (in a cantilever configuration) the electromotor of the car. Topology optimization was used to exploit the increased design freedom of AM, to generate a geometry that still ensured enough rigidity while reducing total weight to a minimum. Figure 1 shows the topology optimized component, with the simplified model of the supported drivetrain.

Figure 1. Topology optimized gearbox mount with the simplified model of the supported drivetrain (left) and the 3D printed component (r ight)

The topology optimized geometry was 3D printed using stainless steel 316L on an SLM Solutions SLM280 machine by Siemens Technology. 3. Process simulation 3.1. Distortion simulations Distortions during additive manufacturing are nearly impossible to avoid, especially when complex geometries and thin regions are produced. To minimize the amount of machining needed, or the risk of excessive stresses when interfacing the warped component to mating surfaces, distortion simulations are vital to improve quality and performance of the final component. An enhanced method, building on the concepts of inherent strains is introduced to predict distortions during the print process (Garibaldi et al. (2018), Gallego-Bordallo et al. (2019)). Figure 2 shows the predicted deformations (after removal from the build plate without any form of heat treatment) of the use-case, showing high distortions at the bottom of the component using non-optimal process parameters. The simulation framework enables to adapt the support definition and part orientation to avoid excessive distortions in critical areas of the component.

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