PSI - Issue 33

Davide Palumbo et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 33 (2021) 528–543


Fig. 2. Procedure used for obtaining the thermoelastic maps Δ T c1 and Δ T c2 .

Table 1. Mechanical and thermo-physical properties of the considered materials. 1 The specific heat at constant strain was obtained by considering C p = C ε . Material α (K −1 ) ρ (Kg/m 3 ) C p (J/KgK) C ε 1 (J/KgꞏK) E (GPa) υ ∂ E /∂ T (MPa/K) R p0.2 (MPa) b/a (MPa -1 ) AA6082 23.2 × 10 −6 2.70 × 10 3 890 890 70 0.33 −36 260 3.17E-04 Ti6Al4V 8.6 × 10 −6 4.43 × 10 3 560 560 114 0.34 −48 1100 4.31E-04

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