PSI - Issue 32

I.O. Glot et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 216–223



Shestakov A.P./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2021) 000 – 000

Fig. 1. View of construction: (a) during of building; (b) finished state.

structures is to organize vibration monitoring Fan et al. (2011) or Rongrong et al. (2021). There are various approaches that implement this method. The most common is the analysis of natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure Narges et al. (2018) or Parviz et al. (2017). Approaches based on analysis the response of a structure to harmonic Roumaissa et al. (2018) and shock impact Shardakov et al. (2017,2018) are also used. There are approaches that analyze the dissipative characteristics of the structure Samim et al. (2018) and the statistical characteristics of vibrograms Jesus et al. (2020). It should be noted that most of the works devoted to vibration monitoring are aimed at studying simple structures or fragments of complex structures. Insufficient attention has been paid to field studies of large-scale engineering structures in the conditions of technological operations. Within the framework of this work, the organization of vibration monitoring of a headframe is considered. The description of the measuring system is given. The process of identifying technological operations on the basis of vibrograms is shown. The process of dropping of ore into the storage is considered in detail. The features of determining the natural frequencies at time

intervals corresponding to technological operations are considered. 2. Description of the object of study and measuring system

The object of the study is the headframe. It provides: lifting of ore from the mine; dropping it into the storage; supply of ore from the storage to the conveyor belt for further transportation to the factory. The structure is made of

Fig. 2. (a) sensor locations; (b,d) view of high frequency sensor; (c,e) view of low frequency sensor.

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