PSI - Issue 32
Mikhail Semin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 180–186 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
The mechanical analysis of FW in the construction of underground structures includes the calculations of strength and creep (Sanger and Sayles 1979; Kostina et al. 2018). The strength calculation is aimed at obtaining the minimum FW thickness, such that the shear stresses at a given time do not exceed the maximum shear strength of the frozen rock. As a rule, the problem of the limit FW stress state is jointly solved with the differential equation of equilibrium (Vyalov 1965),
r d dr
r r
0 ,
and the Mohr-Coulomb condition of the limit stress state, which can be expressed in terms of primary stresses 1 and 2 r :
r ,
4 2
2 tan
4 2
2 tan c
where r is the radial stress, Pa; is the hoop stress, Pa; r is the radial coordinate, m; c is the cohesion, Pa; φ is the angle of internal friction, °. In equations (1) – (4), the FW is assumed to be a hollow cylinder of unlimited height (see Fig. 1). At the outer boundary r = b , a constant and uniformly distributed pressure P is set, and the inner boundary r = a is free. The influence of lithostatic pressure is implicitly taken into account when specifying the horizontal pressure P . Thus, the problem is complemented by the boundary conditions on the inner and outer FW surfaces: ( ) 0 r a , (5) ( ) r b P . (6) The limit FW state occurs when the plastic deformation region spreads over its entire thickness (Vyalov 1962; Jessberger 1981). In this case, not only the equilibrium equation (1) but also the Mohr-Coulomb condition (2) become true in the entire volume. This allows for the substitution of (2) into (1) to yield an equation with one unknown quantity: 1 0 r r d dr r . (7) Considering the additional information on the limit state relating to the entire volume of frozen soil, the system (5) – (7) becomes overdetermined. To eliminate this problem, an additional unknown is introduced — location b of the external FW boundary. Solution of the problem (5) – (7) with respect to two unknowns allows us to define the FW thickness E b a , (8) which is required to withstand an external load P . The classic solution of this problem with constant values of and was obtained by Vyalov(1965). As follows from this solution, the relationship between the load on the external FW boundary and the required FW dimensions ( a and b ) is determined by the formula:
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