PSI - Issue 32

Nataliya Elenskaya et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 253–260 N. Elenskaya, M. Tashkinov / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

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3. Modelling of elastoplastic behavior Several gradient structures of different volume fraction and size were generated for analysis. The tensile mechanical loading along the Y axis in analysis was set through the displacement of the upper loading plate by 1 mm. The following PEEK elastic properties were taken: Young’s module 3800 MPa, E  Poisson Ratio 0.38.   Plasticity behavior was modelled according to the Johnson-Cook law with the following parameters taken: 132, A  10, B  0.034, C  1.2, m  0.7 n  (Chen et al., 2016). The finite element model was calculated in Abaqus. Fig. 4 demonstrate fields of Mises stress for different structures based on the mathematical expressions for Gyroid and I-WP surfaces presented in the table 1. According to these results, stress concentrators strictly depend on the porosity and on the configuration of the porosity gradient.   01 , , G x y z    01 , , I WP x y z  

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G 

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G 

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