PSI - Issue 32

298 4

T.V. Lomaeva et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 295–298 Lomaeva/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

Fig. 2 - Dependence of the coefficient of transverse shrinkage of chips on the feed when turning titanium alloy VT6 (depth of cut t = 1.5 mm; cutting speed v = 18.84 m/min)

Analysis of the data presented in Table 2 and Fig. 2 shows that the greatest plastic deformations during cutting of titanium alloy VT6 occur at feed rates less than 0.05 mm/rev. With an increase in the feed rate of the cutting tool, the amount of shrinkage of the shavings decreases, and to a value of 0.05 mm/rev ( a material to be removed = 0.035 mm) almost three times. Then changes occur insignificantly (the shrinkage ratio of the chips is halved with a decrease in the feed rate by more than 7 times). 4. Conclusion The conducted experimental studies allow us to draw the following conclusions: • in the feed zone up to 0.05 mm/rev, plastic deformations prevail, therefore, the cutting process of titanium alloy VT-6 will be unstable due to the possibility of vibrations; • in general, taking into account the results obtained as a result of research and given in [7] during cutting, it is necessary to increase the feed rate (not less than 0.05 mm/rev) when working at cutting speeds of more than 40 m/min, in order to exclude obtaining thin flammable shavings. References Kugultinov, S.D., Kovalchuk, A.K., Portnov, I.I. 2008. Cutting of materials used in rocketry. - M .: MGTU im. N.E. Bauman, 194. Koryagin, S.I., Pimenov, I.V., Khudyakov, V.K.,2000. Methods of processing materials: Textbook / Kaliningr. un-t - Kaliningrad, 448. Zhuchkov, NS, Plowless, P.D., Chubarov, A.D. and others, 1989 Improving the efficiency of cutting workpieces from titanium alloys. M., "Mechanical Engineering",152 p. Raikhelson, V.A., 2018/ Cutting of steels, heat-resistant and titanium alloys, taking into account their physical and mechanical properties M .: TEKHNOSPHERA, 508. NPAOP 27.4-1.42-62 Safety rules for the smelting and processing of titanium and its alloys (approved by the Presidium of the Central Committee, the trade union of the aviation and defense industry on July 30, 1962) Lomaeva T.V., Kugultinov S.D., 2021 Investigation of cutting modes effect on cutting force while machining titanium alloy BT6 (Russian State Standard GOST 19807-91) Materials Today: Proceedings Volume 38, Part 4,, Pages 1307-1309/ Kugultinov, S.D., Kovalchuk, A.K., Portnov, I.I., 2006. Tekhnologiya obrabotki konstruktsionnykh materialov. - M., Publishing house of MSTU named after N.E.Bauman, 671.

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