PSI - Issue 32
A.M. Ignatova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 32 (2021) 79–86 Author name / StructuralIntegrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
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Statistically significant differences and similar differences between the ranges of convexity coefficient values for destruction fragments forming in constrained and non-constrained conditions confirm the conclusions made on the basis of the analysis of sphericity coefficients distribution functions. 5. Conclusions An experiment for evaluation of fragmentation behavior of mica-crystalline material under high velocity impact in constrained and non-constrained conditions has been designed and conducted. Based on the processing of the experimental data, distributions of destruction fragments have been built by size, sphericity and convexity, depending on impact. The established characteristics suggest that at identical impact velocities and collision angles, constrained conditions facilitate greater localization of deformation than in conditions when lateral compression is absent. Besides, constrained conditions promote formation of finely dispersed fragments through split-off phenomena and not only through dissipation. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 21-79-30041) References Astafurov S.V., Shilko E.V., Psakhie S.G. The possibilities and limitations of the homogenized description of inelastic behavior of brittle porous materials under constrained conditions. PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2017. No. 1. Pp. 208-232. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2017.1.12. Barenblatt G.I. Concerning certain general representations of the mathematical theory of brittle destruction // PMM. - 1964. - No. 4. - P. 630-643. Damaskinskaya E.E., Kadomtsev A.G. Stages of the destruction process in deformation of heterogeneous natural materials // Bulletin of Russian universities. Mathematics. - 2015. No.1. - P.77-84..202 Davydova М.М., Uvarov S.V., Naimark О.B. Scaling invariance in dynamic fragmentation of quarts // Phys. mezomech. - 2013. No.4. – p. 129 136. Dubrovina G.I. Boundary value problem of brittle destruction mechanics / G.I. Dubrovina // Mechanics. Scientific research and practical training developments. - 2012. – V. 6. - Р. 57 -62. Ignatova A.M. Physical and chemical patterns of production and application of cast glass-crystalline materials of spinelid-pyroxene composition from natural and artificial raw materials: diss. doc. tech. sc. Tomsk, 2019. 370 p. Ignatova A.M. Morphological varieties of microspherical particles of the solid component of welding aerosols // PNRPU Bulletin. Safety and risk management. 2015. No. 3. P. 171-188. Ignatova A.M., Artemov A.O. Analytical review of modern and emerging materials and designs of armored barriers and protection against damage // Fundamental research. 2012. No. 6-1. P. 101-105. Ignatova A.M., Artemov A.O., Ignatov M.N. Methods for determining mechanical properties of synthetic mineral alloys under static loads // Basalt technologies. 2012. No. 1. P. 50-53. Ignatova A.M., Artemov A.O., Merzlyakov A.F., Ignatov M.N. On registration of fractoemission of samples of synthetic mineral alloys in conditions of uniaxial compression // Fundamental research. 2013. No. 1-2. P. 397-401. Ignatova A.M., Nihamkin M.A., Voronov L.V., Ignatov M.N. Analysis of fragmentation of synthetic mineral alloy plates under high-velocity ball impact using visualization method // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2015. No. 3. P. 63-73. Ignatova A.M., Yudin M.V., Sokovikov M.A., Chudinov V.V., Ignatov M.N. Microfragmentation of cast mica-crystalline material during dynamic compression//News of higher educational institutions. Series: Chemistry and chemical technology. 2021. V. 64. No. 2. P. 56-61. Makarov P.V. Self-organized criticality of deformation processes and destruction prediction prospects // Phys. mezomech. - 2010. No.5. – p. 97 112. Makarov P.V., Eremin M.P. Model of destruction of brittle and quasi brittle materials and geological environments // Phys. mezomech. – 2013. No.1. – p. 5-26.. Makarov P.V., Karpenko N.I., Smolin I.Yu., StefanovYu.P., Tunda V.A., Khomyakov A.N. Studying deformation and destruction of geological materials and environments as hierarchically organized systems // Phys. mezomech. - 2005. - V. 8. – Special issue. - P. 17-20. Naimark O.B., Davydova M.M., Plekhov O.A., Uvarov S.V Nonlinear and structural aspects of transitions from damage to fracture in composites and structures // Computers & Structures. - 2000. - V. 76. -P. 67-75. PushcharovskyD.Yu. Structural mineralogy of silicates and their synthetic analogues. M, 1986. 450. S tavrogin A.N., Protosenya А.G. Strength of rock and stability of deep mines. - М.: Nedra, 1985, 273 p. StefanovYu.P. Certain features of numerical modeling of the behavior of elastically brittle plastic materials // Physical mezomechanics. – 2005. – V. 8, No. 3. – P. 129 – 142.
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